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Prices to Move chevrolet camaro From ROESSLEVILLE, New York to Little Rock, Arkansas

The average price to ship a chevrolet camaro from ROESSLEVILLE, New York to Little Rock, Arkansas is $1092 based on 11 quotes posted on September 23, 2010.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$765.00 to $1280.00

Origin Location:
Destination Location:
Little Rock, Arkansas
Approximately 1341 Miles

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There is a high probability that these responses that we received from these company's were miscalculated. We anticipate that the price will significantly change if you call for a quote. To keep this quoting system accurate we have automatically removed these quotes which mathematically appear to be inaccurate.
  • Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
    9/23/2010 3:43:58 PM
    Company Profile
    Price : $765.00
    Deposit: $265.00
    Reference ID: 6202221
    About This Quote
    Here at Cascade Vehicle Shipping, we provide only the best service for our customers. Your quote includes door to door service, and insurance on your vehicle against theft or damage while it’s being transported. We do not charge you anything to place your order, and there are no cancellation fees. There is no deposit until your vehicle is picked up, so there’s no risk of losing your money! (In addition as a first time customer you are also eligible for a $50 rebate). We immediately start looking for carriers to pick up your vehicle once your order is placed, so call me today to get the process started! Kimberly Freiley Customer Service Representative Cascade Vehicle Shipping Hours 8:30-5:30 Monday Through Friday Pacific 360-834-7898 ext 235