About This Quote
Before you read the below summary please do WRITE DOWN PROMO CODE TRAL Call 1-888-389-9927 ext.110 open daily from 9am to 10pm EST ALL 7 DAYS to gladly answer any questions you might have about transit or the route! We took a lil longer to quote teh route because we do not use an automated system. We don't rely on auto generated prices just like when you call...you'll reach a REAL LIVE LOGISTICS COORDINATOR. You and your vehicle are way too important to trust to a robot! Thank you for taking the time to read our brief summary on what makes us so different then the rest of the 35 different other estimates you've received! That's just it! Every price you have received is a broker's best bid on what they feel a truck driver will accept once posted online on many different trucking auctions sites (like Shipping wars on tv!) So if the trucker declines the load you are stuck paying hundreds more and the broker telling you sorry we have no control of this bidding system. (It's exactly like EBAY) Here at Car Shipping Pros we make auto shipping easy, stress free and hassle free. This price quote is backed by our 100% price GUARANTEE package where if we can not do it for this price well waive our end of the deal and do it for free! This is how certain we are of the prices we're quoting because truckers in our safety carrier network have already approved this rate before when doing this route. So $500 means $500 and not it might be $500 or $800 it all depends on the truckers and if they accept the price. Quarter of a million dollar insurance coverage no deductible on your end, 2 separate 5 point safety inspections performed as well as our exclusive door to door service. One carrier, one mount, straight shot all the way through! WE DROP YOUR VEHICLE OFF AT YOUR FRONT DOOR! Also no up front monies require! We are the ONLY company out there that will GUARANTEE A PRICE and not collect funds to secure it up front! When we assign a driver you approve then we collect a portion of the total depending what the carrier is comfortable with and at the delivery destination you pay the trucker the rest and you have yourself a vehicle! 5 star rated across the board with rock solid credentials make car shipping pros say: "Sit back, relax, and let the pros handle your move!" If you're interested in seeing the state of the art car carriers utilized to ship your vehicle go to our website at: www.myautoshippingquote.com CLICK ON GALLERY TAB ON TOP
Reference ID: allan
Received: 5/1/2013 11:16:08 AM
Received: 5/1/2013 11:16:08 AM